Our High School teachers cultivate the growing independence of upper school students and their God-given potential aa they approach adulthood. The curriculum for 9th through 12th grade students includes:
- Algebra 1, Algebra II, Geometry, and Business Math
- Chemistry, Science Lab
- Classic Literature from Nathaniel Hawthorne to JRR Tolkien
- Bible Logic and Rhetoric (the art of thinking & speaking)
- American and World History
- Spanish for 9th & 10th grade
Our Graduates

Class of 2024
Additional Opportunities for CHS High School Students
Tyler Junior College Promise Program

The TJC Promise Program starts in the second semester of a student’s freshman year in high school when the student signs a pledge to meet specific Promise Program criteria based on academic achievement, determination, and community service. If a student attends at least two full years at a high school within the TJC tax district and fulfills the program requirements, the TJC Promise Program will cover a CHS graduate’s tuition and fees at TJC for up to two years. CHS provides students and their parents with information about the TJC Promise Program and facilitates a student’s enrollment in it. To learn more, visit TJC Promise.

Dual Credit
CHS students who successfully complete online dual credit courses with institutions of higher learning, including LeTourneau University, Liberty University, and Tyler Junior College, will receive high school and university/college credit for their work.
Completing dual credit classes accelerates a student’s academic journey, instills a sense of accomplishment, and provides a cost-effective means of earning college credit.

International Students
The United States Department of Homeland Security has deemed Christian Heritage School eligible to enroll F-1 students desiring to complete high school classes in the United States. Learn more about enrolling in a U.S. school here. Only students entering grades 9 through 12 may apply to Christian Heritage School’s international student program.
Prospective students should contact the CHS Admissions Office to request an information packet containing detailed information about the international student program. All applicants are required to provide verification of English proficiency and have their high school transcripts evaluated by a professional credential evaluation service approved by CHS. This evaluation is used to determine eligible transfer credits and placement at CHS.
After CHS
Gap Year

At CHS, we encourage our graduates to discover and pursue God’s unique path for their lives without being swayed in their decisions by popular trends or the expectations of others. The GAP Year Association defines a gap year as "An intentional period of time devoted to personal growth and exploration through experiential learning opportunities."
As part of the larger Youth With A Mission (YWAM) worldwide ministry, CHS teachers urge our students to be intentional in strengthening their faith foundations, deepening their passion for Jesus, and tuning their hearts to listen to God’s voice before entering college or embarking on a career. We encourage our seniors to consider a gap year with Youth With A Mission in Tyler, Texas, and offer this Planning a Gap Year guide to assist them. Learn more about YWAM Tyler.
High School Photo Gallery
(Click image to enlarge and start gallery slide show.)