The CHS athletic program is an important part of our students’ physical growth and is invaluable in their development of character, leadership, discipline, and sportsmanship.
The following competitive sports may be offered to junior high and high school students during different seasons of the school year: soccer (co-ed), track (co-ed), tennis (co-ed), volleyball (girls), and basketball (girls and boys teams). Paid Taekwondo classes taught by an 8th-degree master-level instructor are available throughout the year.
Secondary students earn physical education credit by participating in school-sponsored athletic programs like those listed above or by logging time spent each week (80 minutes minimum) in personal athletic and fitness activities such as club sports, dance, jogging, cycling, weightlifting, aerobics, etc. Parents verify their child’s weekly engagement, and completed logs are submitted at the end of each quarter.
“If anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules…physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (II Timothy 2:5; I Timothy 4:8)

Martial Arts Benefit Children of All Ages
In our fast-paced digital age, parents continually seek activities that keep their children physically active and contribute to their holistic development. Martial arts offer many benefits beyond the confines of a training floor. Here are ten unique advantages that martial arts provide to children:
- Martial Arts Enhance Physical Fitness
Martial arts is more than just a physical activity; it’s a comprehensive workout that enhances balance, muscle memory, and cardiovascular health. Children develop strength, agility, and flexibility through various drills, including forms and sparring. This unique approach to physical fitness sets the stage for a healthy lifestyle and provides a solid base for other physical activities.
Sports Gallery
(Click image to enlarge and start gallery slide show.)