Preserving the Heritage
Located on the former campus of Tyler’s Dixie Elementary School, which first welcomed students nearly a century ago*, stands the Christian Heritage School. We are privileged to be the guardians of this historic site that is part of Tyler’s rich heritage, dedicating ourselves to the conscientious maintenance of it.
Without a doubt, a hundred-year-old campus needs substantial upkeep and attention. We are ever engaged in the three R’s—repairing, restoring, and renovating through an initiative named Preserving the Heritage.
The alumni association of former Dixie Elementary School students has generously partnered with us, donating time, skills, and resources to beautify and revitalize their old school grounds. Connect with the Dixie Elementary Alumni.
Community supporters can contribute to supporting this legacy project through direct funding or gift-in-kind contributions, such as construction materials—lumber, roofing materials, and fencing; fixtures—desks, lockers, appliances, and athletic equipment; and professional services—plumbing, landscaping, and carpentry.
Call our school office at (903) 593-2702 to learn how you can be part of Preserving the Heritage.
In 1924, three two-teacher rural schools, Pleasant Retreat, Blackfork, and Spring Hill, were consolidated into one school, located about six miles west of the Tyler city limits off the Dallas Highway [Highway 64 W]. The…trustees…voted unanimously to name it the “Dixie School.”
Tyler School Names and Their Origins, Tyler Public Schools, Tyler, Texas 1971, page 8. Source: Smith County Historical Society

The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) provides accreditation to Christian nonprofit organizations that demonstrate responsible stewardship and compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fundraising, and board governance.
Christian Heritage School is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Tyler, Texas. YWAM Tyler has been an ECFA member since 2007.